[pstricks] memoir class and pstricks

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Mon Nov 21 10:47:11 CET 2011

Am 21.11.2011 10:30, schrieb Cyrille Piatecki:

> I have just discoverd the memoir class and I have decided to have a try.
> I wonder how to
> 1) make a color boxed header or footer with \psblurbox
> 2) I have also tried
> \renewcommand{\bibname}{\psblurbox[fillstyle=slope,slopebegin=white,slopeend=lightgrey]{Mes
> référence}}
> but this does not work
> Could some one help me

always the same old story... :-(

Give a _complete_ example


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