[pstricks] smoothing 3d plot (pst-3dplot with fileplotThreeD)

Doris Behrendt doris.behrendt at me.com
Fri Nov 18 07:15:35 CET 2011

> let's forget about the axis and labels and all that, how can I get  
> the graph to fill most of the space of an A4 size paper and sit at  
> the center of the page?

for the centering:
you can try (herbert, don't beat me, perhaps it can be done better;-))

as for the picture: if you use \usepackage[textwidth=foo]{geometry}
then you can try \begin{psgraph}[options] instead of  
\begin{pspicture}; read the docu somewhere, you can specify the  
textwidth=foo somehow in the options and the psgraph environment  
adjusts the units;

> I've managed to import 100 datasets without any problem and the  
> graph does look just like my original, but it's either too small or  
> off the page.
> Can anyone point me to an example of how to set units and the  
> dimensions of pspicture? How should I set the following
> \begin{pspicture}(something,something)(something,something)%
> \psset{unit=something}%
> knowing this:
> xMin = -0.010
> xMax = +0.000
> yMin = +0.026
> yMax = +0.030
> zMin = +0.026
> zMax = +0.030
> Isn't there at least a rule of thumb?
alternatively, compute the needed psunit within tex, see http://anamorphose.de/rechnen.pdf


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