[pstricks] R: Re : Fwd: PSTricks code -- pst-solides3d

Carlo Alberini carloalbe1 at yahoo.it
Tue Sep 13 16:43:57 CEST 2011

Dear Herbert,
I have some problems with the following code: 

\usepackage{pstricks-add, pst-plot, pst-func}

\psset[pst-solides3d]{viewpoint=25 20 45 rtp2xyz,Decran=20,lightsrc=viewpoint}


   args={[1 2 -1 1]},
%    args={[1 0 0 -1]},
    base=-2.7 2.7 -4.0 3.5,%ngrid=30 30, 
   args={[1 1 1 0]},
    %args={[1 0 0 -1]},
    plansection={[1 2 -1 1] [1 3 1 2]},
    %base=-2 2 -2.5 2.5,%ngrid=30 30, 
    action=draw,name=Plane2, intersectioncolor=(bleu)%,showBase
    args={[1 3 1 2]},
%    args={[1 0 0 -1]},
    base=-0.85 2.57 -4.7 2.5,%ngrid=30 30, 



It is an easy example of code concerning intersections between planes. The problems are:

1) how can I paint them with transparent colors (in order to see better the 3D) (my resulting pdf file is very ugly...)
2) how can I draw the intersection lines among them with different colors?

Could you help me?


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