[pstricks] DVI previews and PDF building stops working with PSTricks in my setup

Jorge Ramos neyuru at gmail.com
Fri Jul 1 06:48:44 CEST 2011

Herbert: Did you mean the package color? (I didn't explicitly load the
xcolor package, unless it is called automatically from another

I am perplexed... I still can't preview any changes made in the above
example when pstricks is activated. Also, I cannot build any PDF when
using pstricks even when there are no error messages. Only when I
disable pstricks in the preamble, YAP previews correctly any changes
made and also I can build a PDF files. Is there any log that I can
show you that can help in sorting out this?

Carsten: It is obvoius that I don't understand Latex for I don't know
the difference between DVI and dvips... in Texniccenter I have enabled
either Latex->DVI when previewing or Latex->PDF for building the final
document. What about the reccomended programs? latex? latex? (was
typed two times?)

May I add that I want to use Pstricks to build great figures for my
documents but, then again, DVI stops working when enabled nor can I
build PDF's.

sorry for the inconvenience,


On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Carsten Vogel <texnicer at web.de> wrote:
> Am 30.06.2011 21:33, schrieb Jorge Ramos:
>> \documentclass{amsbook}%
>> \usepackage{amsmath}%
>> \usepackage{amsfonts}%
>> \usepackage{amssymb}%
>> \usepackage{graphicx}
>> \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
>  ^^^^^^^----- possible source of errors, sure better [utf8]
>> \usepackage{bm}
> ^^^^^^--- unknown
>> \usepackage[spanish]{babel}
>> \usepackage{verbatim}
>> \usepackage{color}
> ^^^^---- too old (!) check l2tabu, google: CTAN xcolor
>> heloooo
>> hihihi
> ^^^--- representative spanish words for typesetting?
> Using DVI as source for previews is _always_ a bad choice.
> Using pstricks I strongly recommend using:
> latex
> latex
> dvips
> ps2pdf
> and take a look at the .pdf source e.g. Foxit, Adobe Reader
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