[pstricks] Pstricks-add documentation...

Werner Grundlingh wgrundlingh at gmail.com
Sun Jun 12 00:59:16 CEST 2011

On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 12:59, Michael Sharpe <msharpe at ucsd.edu> wrote:
> The command \pstScalePoints has been moved to pst-plot. Its documentation is now in pst-plot-doc.pdf. However, it applies only to subsequent usage of \listplot. Perhaps you intended the functionality of \psscalebox from the main pstricks package?
> Michael

Thanks Michael.

No, I wanted to fix an entire pspicture in terms of the layout when
drawing a graph (say), and then stretch (enlarge or reduce) it in
either the x or y direction based on something like the pstScalePoints
or xunit/yunit combination - this way only coordinates would stretch
and not fixed lengths using in other objects (like \pscircle's radius,
for example). Consequently, \psscalebox would not accomplish what I'm
looking for. Another example of something that I thought would
naturally occur when using unequal xunit/yunit would be for a circle
to change into an ellipse when using polar coordinates (see

	\rput{0}(0,0){1} \multido{\i=0+18}{20}{\qdisk(1;\i){1pt}}% <- circle
	\rput{0}(2,0){2} \rput{0}(2,0){\multido{\i=0+18}{20}{\qdisk(!\i\space
cos \i\space sin){1pt}}}% <- ellipse

If this was the intended output when using polar coordinates with
unequal xunit/yunit, then that's fine, since I would switch to
postscript notation. Just thought I'd probe to see whether others
would agree.

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