[pstricks] PSTricks tip about 3D Rotation

Juergen Gilg gilg at acrotex.net
Thu Jun 9 08:28:34 CEST 2011

Dear Pedro,

here my post in english!

Having viewed an "old" example from


i found out that the source code concerning the "viewpoint" 
option is meanwhile obsolete and to be changed into actual 
syntax, like:

*\psset{viewpoint=70 40 \r\space *rtp2xyz*,Decran=50,lightsrc=50 
40 35}*

for this special example.

This causes "a kind of camera flight" however maybe not in the 
wanted way.

@ML: Manuel, is there a way to generate the "viewpoint" 
coordinates in a way, that these simulate a "camera position" 
giving the view with a constant radius versus O(0/0/0) doing a 
circle curve on a sphere from almost Northpole to almost 
Southpole? Do you have any idea or something already done in your 
mighty archives?

The rotation around the z-axis seems to be minor and done easily 
in addition.


  Jürgen Gilg
  Austr. 59
  70376 Stuttgart
  Tel       0711.59 27 88
  e-Mail    gilg at acrotex.net

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