[pstricks] pb with pst update

Leon Free leon.free at free.fr
Thu May 19 16:22:37 CEST 2011

I have a tex source which borrows a lot from various graphic libraries
(pstricks, pst*, animate...). It compiled fine until I update my
pstrick-base and pst-plot packages (to their last versions)

I just tried to run a tidier and simplified copy of my source (although
still messy :-(). I got the same error message which says

! You can't use `macro parameter character #' in restricted horizontal mode.
\in@ #1#2->\def \in@@ ##1#1##
                             2##3\in@@ {\ifx \in@ ##2\in at false \else
\in at tru...
l.74   \begin{pspicture}(-8.5,-8.5)(7,6)

more in the log file, but I dont know what to do with it...
any idea on whats going wrong? thanks

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