[pstricks] selective anti-aliasing? (FYI Colours with multido)
Christoph Bersch
usenet at bersch.net
Tue May 10 10:18:32 CEST 2011
On 10.05.2011 09:57, Christoph Bersch wrote:
> On 10.05.2011 09:10, Carsten Vogel wrote:
>> Although I am already quite happy with this I like to take
>> programming/style advises.
Here is a suggestion for using only single multido variables and some
other tunings, I hope I did not overoptimize ;-)
\usepackage[margin=10mm, left=15mm, right=5mm, nohead, nofoot]{geometry}
#1 100 div #2 100 div #3 100 div #4 100 div}%
\newpsstyle{colorfill}{fillstyle=solid, linewidth=0.5pt,
linecolor=white, dimen=outer, fillcolor=current}
{\Large Table Magenta-\nMagenta-\nBlack}\\%
\begin{pspicture}(-1,1)(17.85, -17.85)
\rput[t](8.925, .9 ){Yellow in \%}
\rput[l](-0.9, -8.925 ){\rput[t]{90}{Cyan in \%}}
\rput[b](!\nYellow\space 0.17 mul 0.425 add .2){\nYellow}
\multido{\nCyan=0+5}{21}{ %
\rput[r](! -0.03 \nCyan\space -0.17 mul 0.425 sub){\nCyan}
\rput(!\nYellow\space 0.17 mul \nCyan\space -0.17 mul){%
\psframe[style=colorfill](0.85, -0.85)
}% multido
}% multido
\end{pspicture} \newpage%
}% multido
}% multido
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