[pstricks] multiplication with multido variable / drawing a lattice

Christian Häger christianhaeger at me.com
Mon May 9 17:32:15 CEST 2011


I want to draw a 2-D lattice (regular array of points) with pstricks. The following example works fine for me

    \psdot[dotsize=2.0pt](\numexpr \nx*2,\numexpr \nx*1+\ny*2 )

Unfortunately this is too restrictive and I need a way to multiply the \nx and \ny variables by real numbers, i.e. I want to write something like

\psdot[dotsize=2.0pt](\numexpr \nx*sqrt(3),\numexpr \nx*1.4+\ny*2 )

but this doesn't work. I tried the calc package but couldn't make it work either.

Kind Regards,
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