[pstricks] problem related to PSTRICKS/GEOMETRY package and/or visualisation???

Jerome Huck jeromehuck at orange.fr
Thu Apr 14 08:38:23 CEST 2011

I was experimenting with PSTRICKS/GEOMETRY to make a book cover.
The compilation is done via LaTex DVI2PS PS2PDF.

The total size of the cover is 45.5cm by 31.7cm. 
The code is very simple.(attached)

\psframe[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=White](0,0)(45.5,31.7)   % the cover including 1cm margins in the 4 directions in white
\psframe[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=Maroon](1.,1.)(44.5,30.7) % cover with the margin.

For the compilation with DVIPS I used the -T 45.5cm,31.7cm option

At the end, I checked the PDF file size in AcrobatReader. Ok, I have the 45.5cmx31.7cm.

In Acrobat, I always have a small margin on the left. When I had some lines for the printer, there seems to be a problem on the right.
Is there a problem with PSTRICKS/GEOMETRY interractions? A visualisation problem?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards.

Jerome Huck.

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