[pstricks] Why ps2pdf cannot handle this documet

Per Ting perting at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 14:56:06 CET 2011

Thanks Carsten, algebraic=true was the missing key.


On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 2:41 AM, Carsten Vogel <texnicer at web.de> wrote:

> Am 04.03.2011 07:19, schrieb Per Ting:
>  \begin{pspicture*}(-6.06,-5.78)(10.36,6.4)
>> \parametricplot[linewidth=1.2pt]{0.0}{6.28319}{3*cos(t)^3 | 5*sin(t)^5}
> 1.) Using the "school" syntax you need to add "algebraic=true" or you have
> to use the RPN (reverse polish notation) of PostScript-Language.
> 2.) You are going to encounter a "bad" drawstyle, even using
> plotstyle=curve (since the edges get overdrawn in circular shape), best
> results (so far): use plotpoints=1000. Surely this needs to be adjusted in
> case that the image is resized to extremly large (or small) size.
> 3.) The size of that pspicture is not matching the paperformat, though the
> image is placed acceptable centered on that page. You might want to add a
> \noindent\resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{...<content>..}
> 4.) Since you are not sure about parskip/parindent it's always nice to
> place \noindent in front of that pspicture environment.
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \documentclass{scrartcl}
> \usepackage{pstricks-add}
> \begin{document}
> \noindent\begin{pspicture*}(-6.06,-5.78)(10.36,6.4)
> \parametricplot[plotpoints=1000,linewidth=1.2pt,algebraic=true]{0.0}{6.28319}{3*cos(t)^3
> | 5*sin(t)^5}
> \end{pspicture*}
> \end{document}
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