[pstricks] curves with pst-solides3d

Andrzej J. Maciejewski andrzej.j.maciejewski at gmail.com
Tue Feb 1 18:49:21 CET 2011

it helps only partially (the curve is visible). The problem is with the axes
all labels (one over another) are placed at the origin even if I just want
to draw the frame.
I tried several options and settings.
\psset{lightsrc=10 5 20,viewpoint=30 -60 30 rtp2xyz,Decran=15}
% \defFunction[algebraic]{helice}(t){3*cos(4*t)}{3*sin(4*t)}{t}
%  \psSolid[object=courbe,r=0,
%  base=0 6,
%  linewidth=2pt,
%  resolution=360,
%  function=helice]%
% %
\axesIIID[showOrigin=true ](1,1,1)(5,5,5)
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