[pstricks] how to rotate in pstricks ( an odd example )

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Fri Jan 28 13:44:07 CET 2011

Am 28.01.2011 06:28, schrieb owen nirvana:
> \documentclass[dvipdfmx]{article}

this option makes no sense, when you want to use pdflatex

> \usePackage{pdftricks}

use the package auto-past-pdf instead or run your document
with XeLaTeX

> \begin{pspicture}

the coordinates are missing

> \rput{45}](1,0.5){\psline[linewidth=1pt](1,0.5)(1,-0.5)}

be careful with your arguments, the first ] is superflous

I do not really understand, what you want to do, but
this works with "pdflatex -shell-escape file.tex"



% the following code will draw a ' /   \ \   /  '
% the following code will draw a 'X'



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