[pstricks] Where the $#@$#@ is the Div operator defined?!

Jean-Côme Charpentier jean-come.charpentier at wanadoo.fr
Thu Jan 20 10:20:53 CET 2011

Le 19/01/2011 21:36, foobaz_utne at yahoo.com a écrit :
> Thanks Jean!

   My first name is Jean-Côme (Côme isn't a middle name) :-)

> Wow, that was fast.

   Futhermore, Herbert was not in front of its computer!

> How silly of me to have missed that
> file in /pub/tex-archive/graphics/pstricks/base/dvips. How intuitive ...
> You know, there is no mention of this dependency in the
> pst-math-doc.pdf that comes with the package

   Indeed.  This doc is for (La)TeX users only.

> and, if you don't do a
> complete installation for Tex, you'd probably never know about this.

   At least a complete installation for PSTricks.

> And
> there is no mention of it in pst-math.pro. Usually when a PS file
> depends on an external file there is a run command with the external
> file's name. Perhaps this should be added, or better yet, an entire
> package should be available for pure postscript coders like me. Eh? :)

   Herbert could certainly answer better than me. pro files aren't 
intended to be used alone, that is, out of the TeX world. Obviously, you 
can do it but that's more or less a deviant use!
   There are minimalistic explanations in pro files themselves. For 
example, for Div, comment is:
   % control the division
that's all folks!
   pro files was developped a long time ago, I suppose when dtx doesn't 
exist. To have a (nice) documentation for pro files, you have to work on 
121249 lines. Well... if you don't comment pst-cox.pro, you have only 
37843 lines to deal with. With the pro called by pst-all, there are only

  954  pstricks.pro
       pst-plot.pro % don't exist
  585  pst-node.pro
       pst-tree.pro % don't exist
  229  pst-grad.pro
   91  pst-coil.pro
2598  pst-text.pro
   87  pst-3d.pro
       pst-eps.pro   % don't exist
       pst-fill.pro  % don't exist
  191  pstricks-add.pro
4735 lines

Note that there isn't pst-math in my addition.
More easy: just indicate the PS def with a (very short) explanation. For 

--- pstricks.pro ---
CM = matrix currentmatrix
SLW = setlinewidth
CLW = currentlinewidth
CP = currentpoint
Sqrt - square root (return 0 for negative argument)
Atan - arctan(x/y) (return 0 for unknow arctan)
ATAN1 - arctan(x)
Div - x/y (return x if unknow result)
tan - tan(x) (sin/cos, return 1.e10 as infiny)
--- pst-node.pro ---
NewNode - { x y } <bool> <name> <type> NewNode
           create the <name> node at (x,y), type could be:
           InitPnode (action...)
           InitCnode (action...)
           InitRnode (action...)
           InitTriNode (action...)

Well! There is a lot of work! Maybe that's already written? Herbert?

   Jean-Côme Charpentier

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