[pstricks] pspicture baseline

Hendrik Maryns hamaryns at googlemail.com
Wed Jan 12 15:37:13 CET 2011

Hi all,

The manual says:

        pspicture*[baseline](x0,y0 )(x1,y1)
         picture objects

By default, the baseline is set at the bottom of the box, but the optional
argument [<baseline>] sets the baseline fraction baseline from the bottom.
Thus, baseline is a number, generally but not necessarily between 0 and 1.
If you include this argument but leave it empty ([]), then the baseline
through the origin.

But I get the following:

Package xkeyval Error: `.5' undefined in families `,pstricks'.
\begin{pspicture}[.5](-1.5,-0.5)(7.5,11) (followed by: )	


Cheers, H.
Hendrik Maryns
Lavendelstraat 44
NL-2034 MJ Haarlem
+31634861841 (staat meestal uit, enkel noodgevallen)
→ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PGPhttp://mindprod.com/project/mailreadernewsreader.html
→ http://www.ehow.com/how_5829197_open-_eml-files.html

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