[pstricks] removing labels from a 3d-plot

Arturo Rinaldi arty.net2 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 4 01:10:27 CET 2010

i'd like to remove labels from a 3d plot , here's the code :








/\pstThreeDCoor[IIIDlabels=false,linecolor=black, xMin=-0.5, xMax=2, 
yMin=-0.5, yMax=2, zMin=-0.5, zMax=2]/






/\pstThreeDDot[linecolor=blue]( 1.5 ,0 , 0)/

/\pstThreeDDot[linecolor=blue]( 0 ,1.5 , 0)/

/\pstThreeDDot[linecolor=blue]( 0 ,0 , 1.5)/






*I think I have to put


but it doesn't work.....any suggestion ?

thx in advance ;)

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