[pstricks] Using predefined colors [Was: Undefined control sequence \resetOptions]

Luís Lopes qed_texte at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 10 21:52:59 CEST 2010

Hi all, Herbert, 


> please update your MikTeX installation

I did and it worked. Thank you. 


Now I have one more question (or two) regarding colors. 


With the preamble 



\usepackage{pstricks,pstricks-add,pst-math,pst-xkey} %12/01/10
%\usepackage[usenames]{color} %26/07/10


and in the text file 


\noindent\textbf{Exercício} 192\quad\verb! <!$\,a,d_{_{b}},e_{_{a}}$\verb!>!\par %ema192
\newrgbcolor{qqwuqq}{0 0.3921568627 0}
\newrgbcolor{MyBrickRed}{1.0 0.25 0.25}
\newcmykcolor{MyLightMagenta}{0.1 0.8 0 0.1}
\textcolor{qqwuqq}{this is qqwuqq} ou ainda \textcolor{MyBrickRed}{this is MyBrickRed} ou ainda 
\textcolor{MyLightMagenta}{This color is MyLightMagenta}
%\textcolor{BrickRed}{this is BrickRed}


I get nice colors. 


However, I have to change both the preamble to 



%\usepackage{pstricks,pstricks-add,pst-math,pst-xkey} %12/01/10
\usepackage[usenames]{color} %26/07/10

and the text file to 


\noindent\textbf{Exercício} 192\quad\verb! <!$\,a,d_{_{b}},e_{_{a}}$\verb!>!\par %ema192
%\newrgbcolor{qqwuqq}{0 0.3921568627 0}
%\newrgbcolor{MyBrickRed}{1.0 0.25 0.25}
%\newcmykcolor{MyLightMagenta}{0.1 0.8 0 0.1}
%\textcolor{qqwuqq}{this is qqwuqq} ou ainda \textcolor{MyBrickRed}{this is MyBrickRed} ou ainda 
%\textcolor{MyLightMagenta}{This color is MyLightMagenta}
\textcolor{BrickRed}{this is BrickRed} 


in order to get the predefined color BrickRed. 


What should I do in order to get all those predefined colors 

in the color package together with pstricks? 


Moreover, is it possible to know the definitions of the predefined colors 

in terms of commands such as 


\newrgbcolor{BrickRed}{? ? ?} 
\newcmykcolor{BrickRed}{? ? ? ?} 


Thank you. 



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