[pstricks] Pst-3dsolides behavior: a curiosity

Zbigniew Nitecki zbigniew.nitecki at tufts.edu
Sat May 1 15:28:49 CEST 2010

The following code (full tex file attached)

> 	\begin{pspicture}(-2,-2)(2,3.5)
> 		\psset{unit=0.75}
> 		\psset{lightsrc=10 20 -30, viewpoint= 50 60 25
> 			rtp2xyz, Decran=50}
> 		\psSolid[object=calottesphere,
> 				r=3, ngrid = 12 15,
> 				fillcolor=lightgray,
> 				incolor=white,
> 				theta=30, phi=0,
> 				hollow](0,0,0)%
> 		\axesIIID(3,3,3.6)(6,6,5)
> %		\psset{linecolor=lightgray}
> 		\multido{\rp=70+10}{4}{%
> 			\multido{\rt=175+10}{13}{%
> 				\vecatThree%
> 					{3 \rp\space sin \rt\space cos mul mul}
> 					{3 \rp\space sin \rt\space sin mul mul}
> 					{3 \rp\space cos mul}
> 					{1.0 \rp\space sin \rt\space cos mul mul neg}
> 					{1.0 \rp\space sin \rt\space sin mul mul neg}
> 					{1.0 \rp\space cos mul neg}
> 			}
> 		}
> 	\end{pspicture}

together with the definition 
> 	\newcommand{\vecatThree}[6]{\pstThreeDLine[arrows=->]%
> 		(#1\space,  #2\space,  #3\space)
> 		(#1\space #4\space add, #2\space #5\space add, #3\space #6\space add)
> 	}
> 		% arrow pinned to (#1,#2,#3) with components (#4,#5,#6) (postscript version)

yields the attached image.  Everything is fine, except that I am puzzled by the two gaps in the upper z axis.
Any explanation?

Zbigniew Nitecki
Department of Mathematics
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155

Office    (617)627-3843
Dept.    (617)627-3234
Dept. fax    (617)627-3966

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