[pstricks] What is wrong here?

Zbigniew Nitecki zbigniew.nitecki at tufts.edu
Fri Apr 30 20:30:13 CEST 2010

I'm attaching a file and an output picture.  Briefly, here is the code:
> 	\begin{pspicture}(-3.5,-3)(3.5,3.5)
> 	\psset{Alpha=90, Beta=30}
> 		\multido{\rt=0+20}{18}{%
> 			\pstThreeDLine[arrows=->, arrowscale=2, linewidth=2pt, linecolor=gray]%
> 				(\rt\space cos 3 mul, \rt\space sin 3 mul, 0)%
> 				(\rt\space cos 3 \rt\space 2 div sin 1.5 mul sub mul,%
> 				\rt\space sin 3 \rt\space 2 div sin 1.5 mul sub mul,%
> 				\rt\space 2 div cos 1.5 mul)%
> 		}
> 		\parametricplotThreeD[yPlotpoints=100](-1,1)(0,360){
> 			u 0.5 mul cos t mul 3 add u cos mul %
> 			u 0.5 mul cos t mul 3 add u sin mul %
> 			u 0.5 mul sin t mul%
> 		}
> 		\parametricplotThreeD[plotstyle=curve, linewidth=2pt](0,720){
> 			t 0.5 mul cos  3 add t cos mul %
> 			t 0.5 mul cos  3 add t sin mul %
> 			t 0.5 mul sin%
> 		}
> 		\parametricplotThreeD[plotstyle=curve, linestyle=dashed, linewidth=2pt]%
> 			(0,360){t cos 3 mul t sin 3 mul 0}
> 	\end{pspicture}

Note the following features:  the first multido draws gray arrows, whose starting points should lie on the dashed given by the last parametricplot.
I don't see any difference between the coding of the curve and of the starting points (other than \rt in place of u).  Yet look where the arrow start.

What have I done wrong?

Zbigniew Nitecki
Department of Mathematics
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155

Office    (617)627-3843
Dept.    (617)627-3234
Dept. fax    (617)627-3966

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