[pstricks] Package Conflict by using \psVolume of pst-func with pst-solides3d?
Patrice Mégret
Patrice.Megret at umons.ac.be
Sun Dec 13 10:07:53 CET 2009
Dear Herbert,
I tried the original problem on textlive2009 and I got the same trouble as Robert.
When I upload the new files pstricks-add and pstsolide3d, it works fine.
Nevertheless, I think there is small potential problem:
Texlive 2009:
Pstricks-add version 3.36 of 2009/11/14
Prof. Dr Ir Patrice Mégret
Head of Electromagnetism and Telecommunication Department
University of Mons - Université de Mons
Faculty of Engineering - Faculté Polytechnique
Boulevard Dolez 31
7000 MONS
tel: +32 65 37 41 91 (direct)
tel: +32 65 37 41 47 (secretary)
fax: +32 65 37 41 99
-----Message d'origine-----
De : pstricks-bounces at tug.org [mailto:pstricks-bounces at tug.org] De la part de Herbert Voss
Envoyé : dimanche 13 décembre 2009 09:28
À : pstricks at tug.org
Objet : Re: [pstricks] Package Conflict by using \psVolume of pst-func with pst-solides3d?
Am 12.12.2009 10:48, schrieb robert.fischer10 at arcor.de:
> Hello,
> I have searched in the archive and internet. But nothing found. Problems arise with the macro: \psVolume, if also pst-solides3d is in use.:
> working \usepackage{pstricks-add,pst-func}
> not working \usepackage{pstricks-add,pst-func,pst-solides3d} also not \usepackage{pst-solides3d,pstricks-add,pst-func}
there was a conflict with the algebraic options. Try these versions:
> \documentclass{minimal}
> \usepackage{xkeyval}% Important to have it before
> \usepackage{pst-pdf}
> \usepackage{pstricks-add,pst-func}
however, pstricks-add should _always_ be the last PSTricks related package
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