[pstricks] Macro problems...

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Sat Dec 5 08:29:10 CET 2009

Am 05.12.2009 07:33, schrieb Werner Grundlingh:

> \providecommand{\circulant}{%
> \makeatletter%
> \SpecialCoor \degrees[8]%
> \multido{\iN=0+1}{8}{%
>     \cnode*[linecolor=black,fillcolor=black](2;\iN){2pt}{v\iN}% Draw
> the nodes/vertices
> }
> \multido{\iN=0+1}{8}{%
>     \psforeach{\nA}{1,2}{%
>         \pst at cntc=\iN
>         \advance\pst at cntc by \nA
>         \pst at mod{\pst at cntc}{8}\nextnode%
>         \psline[linewidth=0.5pt,linestyle=solid,nodesep=-0.5pt](2;\iN)(2;\nextnode)
>     }
> }%
> \makeatother%
> }

> Why is that? Better yet, how would I be able to make this work?

the makeatletter ... makeatother must be outside of a
macro definition and by the way: there is a package pst-poly:


  \SpecialCoor \degrees[8]%
    \cnode*[linecolor=black,fillcolor=black](2;\iN){2pt}{v\iN}% Draw the
        \pst at cntc=\iN
        \advance\pst at cntc by \nA
        \pst at mod{\pst at cntc}{8}\nextnode%






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