[pstricks] chartNodeI

Michael Sharpe mchl.sharpe at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 03:51:46 CET 2009

On Nov 30, 2009, at 5:56 PM, Jon Joseph wrote:

> chartNodeO in psset seems to have no effect. I tried psset{chartNodeO=1} and several other values. I am using TeXshop 2.26 (chartNodeI does not seem to work either). Any suggestions? Code below:
> \begin{pspicture}(-5,-3)(3,3) 	 \psChart[userColor={red!30,green!30,blue!40,gray,cyan!50},chartSep=30pt,shadow=true,shadowsize=5pt ]{35,20,20,16,9}{}{1}
> 	 \psset{nodesepA=5pt,nodesepB=-10pt, chartNodeO=1} % does not change placement of  text
> 	 \ncline{psChartO1}{psChart1}
> 	 \nput{0}{psChartO1}{\bf\footnotesize Transportation (35\%)} 
> 	 \ncline{psChartO2}{psChart2}
> 	 \nput{150}{psChartO2}{\bf\footnotesize Equipment Rental (20\%)} 
> 	 \ncline{psChartO3}{psChart3}
> 	 \nput{-90}{psChartO3}{\bf\footnotesize Lodging (20\%)} 
> 	 \ncline{psChartO4}{psChart4}
> 	 \nput{0}{psChartO4}{\bf\footnotesize Food (16\%)}
> 	  \ncline{psChartO5}{psChart5}
> 	  \nput{0}{psChartO5}{\bf\footnotesize Lift Tickets (9\%)} 
> \end{pspicture}

The nodeseps are making it hard to see what's going on. Try setting them to 0 and varying chartNodeO in the code below. The other point of interest (a bug, I think) is that the nclines are being given shadows, but those shadows go away if you uncomment the \psdot line.

\psset{nodesepA=0pt,nodesepB=0pt, chartNodeO=1.5} \psChart[userColor={red!30,green!30,blue!40,gray,cyan!50},chartSep=30pt ,shadow=true]{35,20,20,16,9}{}{2}
	 \nput{0}{psChartO1}{\bf\footnotesize Transportation (35\%)} 
	 \nput{150}{psChartO2}{\bf\footnotesize Equipment Rental (20\%)} 
	 \nput{-90}{psChartO3}{\bf\footnotesize Lodging (20\%)} 
	 \nput{0}{psChartO4}{\bf\footnotesize Food (16\%)}
	  \nput{0}{psChartO5}{\bf\footnotesize Lift Tickets (9\%)} 


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