[pstricks] pst-3Dplot

Patrice Mégret Patrice.Megret at umons.ac.be
Thu Aug 27 09:24:06 CEST 2009

Dear Herbert,

In pst-3Dplot, there is the possibility to work in cylindrical coordinates.

If I have correctly understood, (r,phi,theta) means here r the length of the vector, phi (0<=phi<360) the angle between the x-axis and the projection of the vector on the xy plane and theta (-90<=theta<=90), the angle between the vector and the xy plane.

Would it be possible to have a second cylindrical system (r,theta1,phi1) in which:
r is the length of the vector,
theta (0<=theta<=180) is the angle between the vector and z-axis,
phi (0<=phi<360) the angle between the x-axis and the projection of the vector on the xy plane
in order to have the same conventions as in mathematical book related to vector analysis?

Best regards,


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