[pstricks] line diagramm with error bars

Anne Scholze AS.81 at gmx.de
Sun Jul 26 21:21:35 CEST 2009

Dear Herbert et. al,

in the beginning of June I asked how to draw a line diagram with error bars with pstricks and Herbert answered me immediately. Thanks a lot!!!
But I was not really successful in plotting my data. I have two different series which I would like to show in the diagram each connected by a line and every data point with the accordant error bars. I'm able to get the data points with the error bars, but I don't know if it is possible to use the same series with one command to draw the line between the points. 
I've checked the command \listplot[plotstyle=line,showpoints=true]{\Data} but it doesn't work in a right way probably because there are 4 instead of 2 arguments. 
Please, can you help me?
Here is my code:


2.5 0.0006 -0.00006 0.00006
5 0.0023 -0.00030 0.00030
8 0.0043 -0.00087 0.00087
12 0.0070 -0.00038 0.00038
24 0.0260 -0.00282 0.00282
96 0.1070 -0.01009 0.01009

2.5 0.000125 -0.000019 0000019
5 0.000871 -0.000115 0.000115
8 0.001662 -0.000363 0.000363
12 0.002551 -0.000074 0.000074
24 0.010362 -0.000791 0.000791
96 0.041813 -0.003139 0.003139

\def\errorLine{\@ifnextchar[{\pst at errorLine}{\pst at errorLine[]}}
\def\pst at errorLine[#1](#2)#3#4{{%
  \def\pst at tempa{#1}\ifx\pst at tempa\@empty\else\psset{#1}\fi
  \pst at getcoor{#2}\pst at tempb
  \psline{|-|}(!\pst at tempb\space pop \pst at number\psxunit div
    \pst at tempb\space exch pop \pst at number\psyunit div #3\space add)
  (!\pst at tempb\space pop \pst at number\psxunit div
    \pst at tempb\space exch pop \pst at number\psyunit div #4\space add )}}
\def\GetCoordinates#1{\expandafter\GetCoordinates at i#1}
\def\GetCoordinates at i #1{\GetCoordinates at ii#1}
\def\GetCoordinates at ii#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 {%
  \DoCoordinate{#2}{#4}\errorLine[linecolor=red,linewidth=.5pt](#2,#4){#6}{#8}% <<<<<
  \@ifnextchar D{\GetCoordinates at ii}{}}



Best regards, Anne.

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