[pstricks] Package Conflict pst-3dplot | pst-solides3d ?

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Thu Jul 16 19:24:36 CEST 2009

robert.fischer10 at arcor.de schrieb:

> in one document I use 3dplot and solides3d for different pictures. Without having pst-3dplot, the solides3d example
> below works. With pst-3dplot I get a error message. nevertheless the picture is drawed in the correct way.
> Moreover there exists the note 'that after pst-3dplot no package is loaded, which uses the old keyval interface.'
> Following works fine without any error (\usepackage{pst-3dplot} is commented out)


> Problem:
> if \usepackage{pst-3dplot} used, the picture looks identical. But follwoing error message:
> ! Bad number: MyBeta 0 substituded \@pstrickserr
> ! Bad number: MyAlpha 0 substituded \@pstrickserr
> Any idea what is the reason behind?

both packages use a RotX|Y|Z, but pst-3dplot checks if it is
an angle. You have to set it by \psset[pst-solides3d]{RotX=myRot}


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