[pstricks] Right triangle to scale

Michael Sharpe msharpe at ucsd.edu
Sun Jun 28 03:41:58 CEST 2009

The hypotenuse is not relevant---only the other sides. The red square  
is to show the outline of the 2 inch box. This code always places the  
longer side horizontally.

\def\drawrttri#1#2{\xdim=#1in \ydim=#2in \def\yy{#2}
\ifdim\ydim>\xdim \ydim=#1in \xdim=#2in \def\yy{#1}\fi %now \ydim<=\xdim
\pst at divide{2in}\xdim{\temp}
\psset{unit=\temp in}\psline(2in,0)(0,0)(0,\yy)(2in,0)}

On Jun 27, 2009, at 2:28 PM, David Arnold wrote:

> All,
> Is there a cute way to present an algorithm a pythagorean triple and  
> have a right triangle drawn to scale in a space that measures 2  
> inches by two inches?
> For example, I feed the problem 3, 4, 5 and I get a right triangle  
> with sides 3, 4, and 5.
> Thanks.
> David.
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