[pstricks] GeoGebra and PSTricks-Export

Olaf Möller moeller_olaf at yahoo.de
Fri Jun 19 20:53:22 CEST 2009

Hi at all,

GeoGebra as a nice algebraic-Software has the feature to export graphics to

But the run with latex produces a lot of errors. Without the options in
it works fine. Can someone explain why?

Here is the code:





\psset{xunit=1.0cm,yunit=1.0cm,algebraic=true,dotstyle=*,dotsize=3pt 0,linewidth=0.8pt,arrowsize=3pt 2,arrowinset=0.25}


\psaxes[labelFontSize=\scriptstyle,xAxis=true,yAxis=true,Dx=1,Dy=1,ticksize=-2pt 0,subticks=2]{->}(0,0)(-4.36,-3.84)(7.14,7.66)








thanks in advance



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