[pstricks] psgraph pstScalePoints and labels

Antoine Pairet lists at pairet.be
Sat May 30 00:31:06 CEST 2009

> \begin{psgraph}[dy=1cm,Dy=0.010,Oy=-11.444,Ox=4]{->}(4,0)(4,-2)(14,4){9cm}{5cm}

This is still not what I would like to have. However I now better
understand how the parameters should be set.

dy should be set to 5/6 as the real size of the graph is 5cm and that
the Oy axe is ranging from -2 to 4. The labels are thus correct only if
dy equals the ration between the real size and the Oy size.

Those are thus correct:


To summarize:
Dy and Oy: reflects the scaling done on the real data through
dy: reflects the ration between the real graphic size and the Oy axe

Herbert, as always your help is precious and accurate! Thank you very

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