[pstricks] Sieve

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Wed May 27 20:36:34 CEST 2009

David Arnold schrieb:
> Nice solution. I wound up with following. Brute force, but it worked.

you can calculate anything in PS ...



 /prime? {
  /n exch def
  n 1 eq {false} { % 1 is not prime
    n 2 mod 0 eq {n 2 eq} {
      /divide? false def
      3 2 n sqrt {
        n exch div dup ceiling eq {/divide? true def exit} if
      } for
      divide? not } ifelse } ifelse
} bind def
  \rput(! \iA\space 2 sub 10 mod /xVal ED
          \iA\space 2 sub 10 div cvi neg /yVal ED
          \iA\space prime? not {
            gsave xVal yVal \tx at ScreenCoor translate
            0 0 moveto 1 -1 \tx at ScreenCoor lineto
            0 -1 \tx at ScreenCoor moveto 1 0 \tx at ScreenCoor lineto
            1 setlinewidth 1 0 0 setrgbcolor stroke grestore } if
          xVal 0.5 add yVal 0.5 sub ){\iA}}



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