[pstricks] pst-pdf and readdata: long compilation time

Antoine Pairet lists at pairet.be
Sun May 10 11:41:50 CEST 2009

> no problem here with
> $(mainPDF) : $(pstricksPDF)
> 	pdflatex "\AtBeginDocument{\def\readdata#1#2{}} \input{supraMain.tex}"

It still fails here. 
! Undefined control sequence.
l.16    \readdata[ignoreLines=2]{\testData

Removing the optional argument of the readdata command solves part of
the problem. Indeed, if one removes the manually the 2 first lines of
the toBeRead.dat file and suppress the optional argument:
It will complain with the lisplot command telling that the command
\testData is undefined.

pdflatex "\AtBeginDocument{\def\readdata#1#2{} \def\listplot#1{}}
solves the second problem. However, the first one is still present!

Could have a look at the complete minimal example attached? 
Thanks a lot!

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