[pstricks] Suggestions for \psPrintValue
Buddy Ledger
buddyledger at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 05:59:23 CEST 2009
>That's the sort of error you get when a recursion goes wild. There are
>several recursive procedures in the code, but it works OK on my setup
>(Mac/ TeXLive 2008), and from previous experience, I'm 99\% sure that
>the system has little to do with it, and there must be a difference in
>some of the TeX files. can you put
>near the top of your file and send the log?
Here is the log.
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.9 (MiKTeX 2.7) (preloaded
format=latex 2009.3.31) 26 APR 2009 23:56
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>
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rman, ngerman, german-x-2008-06-18, ngerman-x-2008-06-18, french, loaded.
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LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font) <5> on input line 177.
! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000].
\hasanE #1E#2\@nil ->\hasanE #1
E\@nil \xdef \@tmpA {#1}\xdef \@tmpB
l.179 12E-02 & \fmtnum{12E-02}
If you really absolutely need more capacity,
you can ask a wizard to enlarge me.
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
3279 strings out of 95305
42677 string characters out of 1183059
166512 words of memory out of 1500000
6519 multiletter control sequences out of 110000
3808 words of font info for 15 fonts, out of 3000000 for 5000
14 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
5000i,6n,9997p,303b,95s stack positions out of
No pages of output.
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