[pstricks] Drawing S- and Z-Curves

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Sun Apr 26 20:24:23 CEST 2009

On Sun, 26 Apr 2009, Herbert Voss wrote:

> you can also use the Gauss macro from pst-func


   The problem with the Gauss curve (and what I've found for logistic curves)
is that they do not reach y=1.0 at a defined x value, with ends at (x0,y=0)
(x1,y=0). I'm no longer enough of a mathetician to know what equation I

   As an example of what I am trying to do are the attached .eps files. I
created those using Xfig but they are sloppy compared with what I should be able
to do with PSTricks.

   While these images are illustrative, within our model (built with python
and C), the output will provide real (x,y) pairs that we need to fit to a
bell or logistic curve.

   Suggestions and pointers are always appreciated.


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