[pstricks] psxTick , psyTick

Kin Mye kinmye at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 11:05:31 CEST 2009

Herbert wrote:

>it makes no sense to modify the macro, because someone can
>use a frame, but put the origin elsewhereor writing
>then the \psxTick(3.5){3.5} is correct

Herbert, thank you for your quick answer.
>From my point of view, the frame has nothing to do whith it.
In case (0,0) is a nice origin in the figure, then there is no
problem, as in your example. But some times we want to have
the axes in other place (and psaxes allows this perfectly!).

For instance, in the example of pstricks-add-doc,
xylogBase (23.17.1):

  \psplot[linewidth=2pt,linecolor=red]{0.001}{3}{x log}
  \rput(2.5,1){$y=\log x$}

  \psyTick(3){y_3}   %ADDED TO CHECK psyTick
  \psxTick(3){x_3}   %AND psxTick

psxTick don't draw the tick in the axis (3,-3), but in
the middle of the figure, (3,0). Same for psyTick.
These macros are very useful as they are but
personally, I think that they should draw in the axis, even if
the origin is not (0,0). I don't know if this is easy.

I can do it as I mentioned before
\rput(0,-3){\psxTick(3){3}}} but the motivation for my question
is that I am writing a macro that plot several boxplots in a
graph. And in some cases, the range of the data does not include
the 0. (As in all the wikipedia examples for boxplot).
Then, I need to pass the position of the x axis
to the macro, to label the boxplot. I can avoid this
parameter is psxTick put the label in the axis or if I knew
any defined variable that points to the
position of the x-axis (in this example, y=-3).?

Best Regards,
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