[pstricks] Generate Table via \readdata

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Mon Apr 20 16:55:27 CEST 2009

Buddy Ledger schrieb:
> I've been trying to develop a macro which will typeset a data file into 
> a table.  The code below represents my most sucsessful atempt.  I want 
> to be able to generate a table for any data file which could be used 
> with listplot.  So far I am having trouble generating the column format 
> string for the tabular environment and I cannot dynamically set the 
> number of colums via an input argument.  I have no doubt these problems 
> are due to my limited knowledge of advanced Tex/Latex macro 
> programming.  Any help with this would be appreciated.  My objective is 
> to typeset data tables which are in plot format rather than TeX 
> format.   Possible advanced options would  be to only print selected 
> columns and possibly provide the column labels in the data file and have 
> them typeset in mathmode, or formatting of numerical data.   Any 
> input/help or simplifications would be appreciated. 
> \begin{filecontents}{doterrorbar.dat}
> 1.00E+001 2.00E+001 3.00E+001 4.00E+001
> 2.00E+001 3.00E+001 4.00E+001 5.00E+001
> 3.00E+001 4.00E+001 5.00E+001 6.00E+001
> 4.00E+001 5.00E+001 6.00E+001 7.00E+001
> \end{filecontents}

important is that you use the star version of filecontents which
supresses the output of the first three comment lines


1.00E+001 2.00E+001 3.00E+001 4.00E+001
2.00E+001 3.00E+001 4.00E+001 5.00E+001
3.00E+001 4.00E+001 5.00E+001 6.00E+001
4.00E+001 5.00E+001 6.00E+001 7.00E+001


\def\checkEntries#1 #2#3\@nil{%
    \global\advance\pst at cnta\@ne%
  \read1 to \pst at tempa
  \global\pst at cnta=0
  \expandafter\checkEntries\pst at tempa\space\@nil
  \advance\pst at cnta\@ne
  \gdef#2{\the\pst at cnta}\ignorespaces}
\def\fillTab at i#1{\fillTab at ii#1}
\def\fillTab at ii D #1 {%
  \global\advance\pst at cntm by \@ne
  #1 \ifnum\pst at cntm=\pst at cntn \global\pst at cntm=0 \tabularnewline \else
& \fi
  \@ifnextchar D\fillTab at ii{}}
  \global\pst at cntm=0
  \global\pst at cntn=\dataNo
  \expandafter\fillTab at i#1}



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