[pstricks] slanted text
Herbert Voss
Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Sat Apr 11 19:52:26 CEST 2009
Zbigniew Nitecki schrieb:
> In the following, I want to place the text labeling each face slanted, as if it
> were written on the face itself.
> I have tried various viewpoint and viewangle values; these appear to have no
> effect whatsoever on the text.
> How can I slant the text so that it appears written on the appropriate face, as
> the two labels x+z=1 and y+z=1 are
> supposed to?
> \usepackage{pstricks, pst-3dplot}
> \usepackage{pstricks-add}
> \begin{pspicture}(-2,-1.5)(2,2.5)
> \psset{unit=2, Alpha=25}
> \defineTColor{tGray}{gray!40}
> \pstThreeDCoor[xMin=-1.5, xMax=1.5, yMin=-1.5,yMax=1.5, zMin=0, zMax=1.5]
> \pstThreeDSquare[fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=gray](-1,-1,0)(2,0,0)(0,2,0)
> \pstThreeDTriangle[style=tGray](-1,-1,0)(1,-1,0)(0,0,1)
> \pstThreeDTriangle[style=tGray](-1,-1,0)(-1,1,0)(0,0,1)
> \pstThreeDTriangle[style=tGray](1,1,0)(1,-1,0)(0,0,1)
> \pstThreeDTriangle[style=tGray](1,1,0)(-1,1,0)(0,0,1)
> \pstThreeDPut(1,-1.7,-0.2){$(1,-1,0)$}
> \pstThreeDPut(1.2,1.2,0){$(1,1,0)$}
> \pstThreeDPut(-1,1.7,0.2){$(-1,1,0)$}
> \pstThreeDPut(0,0,1.2){$(0,0,1)$}
> \psset{viewpoint=1 3 1, viewangle=60}
> \pstThreeDPut(0.66,0,0.33){\small{x+z=1}}
> \pstThreeDPut(0,0.66,0.33){\small{y+z=1}}
\boldmath\color{white}$\scriptstyle x+z=1$}
\boldmath\color{white}$\scriptstyle y+z=1$}
only possible in the axes planes
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