[pstricks] tangential vector
Martin Chicoine
martin.chicoine at umontreal.ca
Thu Apr 9 19:20:24 CEST 2009
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : pstricks-bounces at tug.org [mailto:pstricks-bounces at tug.org] De la
> part de Doris Wagner
> Envoyé : 8 avril 2009 11:46
> À : Graphics PSTricks with
> Objet : [pstricks] tangential vector
> hi list,
> I have a graph which shows a trajectory (e.g. polynomial) of a
> physical object and I want to draw the tangent vector. the problem
> with \psplotTangent is that it goes in two directions from one point
> of the graph. is there a possibility to get only half of it?
> d
Here is a version that extends from -#2 to #3, with #1 being the x point and
#4 being the function:
\def\psplotTangent at i#1#2#3#4{%
\begin at OpenObj%
% \let\pst at linetype\pst at arrowtype%
% \pst at addarrowdef%
\ifx\psk at Derive\@empty\ifPst at algebraic\psset{Derive=NOT at EMPTY}\fi\fi%%dr
\addto at pscode{
gsave % save current state
/F at pstplot \ifPst at algebraic (#4) tx at addDict begin AlgParser end cvx
\else { #4 } \fi def % define function
\ifx\psk at Derive\@empty\else
\ifx\psk at Derive\@NOTEMPTY\else%%dr 0606
/FDer at pstplot % do we have a derivation defined?
\ifPst at algebraic (\psk at Derive) tx at addDict begin AlgParser end cvx
\else { \psk at Derive } \fi def % define derivation
\fi%%dr 0606
/@parametric false def %%dr 0606
% first we calculate the origin
#1 dup /x ED /t ED tx at addDict begin mark F at pstplot end counttomark 1 gt
% test, if we have parametricplot
%%{ /y ED /x ED } % if yes, then we have 2 values
{ /y ED /x ED /@parametric true def } % if yes, then we have 2
values%%dr 0606
{ \ifPst at polarplot x \ifPst at algebraic RadtoDeg \fi PtoC /y ED /x ED
\else /y ED \fi } ifelse
\ifx\psk at Derive\@NOTEMPTY%%begin dr 0606
%% algebraic we can use the derivative machine
/FDer at pstplot (#4) @parametric { (t) } { (x) } ifelse
tx at Derive begin Derive end tx at addDict begin AlgParser end cvx def
\fi%%end dr 0606
x \pst at number\psxunit mul y \pst at number\psyunit mul
translate % define the temporary origin
% now we calculate the slope of the tangent
\ifx\psk at Derive\@empty% de we have a derivation defined?
#1 abs 1.0e-6 lt % no, we choose secant for the tangent
{ #1 0.0005 add dup /x ED /t ED tx at addDict begin mark F at pstplot end
counttomark 1 gt % test, if we have parametricplot
{ /y2 ED /x2 ED } % we have 2 values
{ \ifPst at polarplot dup x \ifPst at algebraic RadtoDeg \fi
cos mul /x2 ED x \ifPst at algebraic RadtoDeg \fi sin mul \else /x2 x
def \fi /y2 ED } ifelse
cleartomark % delete the mark
#1 0.0005 sub dup /x ED /t ED tx at addDict begin mark F at pstplot end
counttomark 1 gt % test, if we have parametricplot
{ /y1 ED /x1 ED }
{ \ifPst at polarplot dup x \ifPst at algebraic RadtoDeg \fi
cos mul /x1 ED x \ifPst at algebraic RadtoDeg \fi sin mul \else /x1
x def \fi /y1 ED } ifelse
y2 y1 sub x2 x1 sub } % dy dx
{ % > 1.0e-06
#1 1.0005 mul dup /x ED /t ED tx at addDict begin mark F at pstplot end
counttomark 1 gt % test, if we have parametricplot
{ /y2 ED /x2 ED } % we have 2 values
{ \ifPst at polarplot dup x \ifPst at algebraic RadtoDeg \fi
cos mul /x2 ED x \ifPst at algebraic RadtoDeg \fi sin mul \else /x2
x def \fi /y2 ED } ifelse
#1 .9995 mul dup /x ED /t ED tx at addDict begin mark F at pstplot end
counttomark 1 gt % test, if we have parametricplot
{ /y1 ED /x1 ED } % we have 2 values
{ \ifPst at polarplot dup x \ifPst at algebraic RadtoDeg \fi
cos mul /x1 ED x \ifPst at algebraic RadtoDeg \fi sin mul \else /x1
x def \fi /y1 ED } ifelse
y2 y1 sub \pst at number\psyunit mul x2 x1 sub \pst at number\psxunit mul
} ifelse
atan % atan(dy dx), we have the slope angle of the secant
\else % there is a derivation defined
#1 dup /x ED /t ED tx at addDict begin mark FDer at pstplot end counttomark 1
gt % test, if we have parametricplot
{ /y ED /x ED }
{ \ifPst at polarplot /Fphi ED % the value F'(phi)
tx at addDict begin F at pstplot end x \ifPst at algebraic RadtoDeg \fi
PtoC /y0 ED /x0 ED % the x y values
x \ifPst at algebraic RadtoDeg \fi sin Fphi mul x0 add /y ED
x \ifPst at algebraic RadtoDeg \fi cos Fphi mul y0 sub /x ED
\else /y ED /x 1 def \fi } ifelse
y \pst at number\psyunit mul x \pst at number\psxunit mul Atan \ifPST at Tnormal
90 add \fi
% y ATAN1 % we have the slope angle of the tangent. ATAN is defined int
the pstricks.pro, patch 6
rotate % rotate, depending to the
/Lineto /lineto load def
\ifPST at Tnormal
0 0 % moveto
y \pst at number\psyunit mul x \pst at number\psxunit mul Atan 90 add cos
div \pst at number\psxunit mul 0 % lineto
-#2 \pst at number\psxunit mul 0 % moveto
#3 \pst at number\psxunit mul 0 % lineto
\pst at cp % kill the currentpoint, if
false % don't show the points
\tx at Line
% ArrowA CP 4 2 roll ArrowB L % the line with arrows L is
defined in pstricks.pro
% \pst at number\pslinewidth SLW % set linewidth in pt
% \@nameuse{psls@\pslinestyle} % linestyle
% \pst at usecolor\pslinecolor % linecolor
stroke % stroke everything
\ifshowpoints % show the points?
\psk at dotsize
\@nameuse{psds@\psk at dotstyle}%
0 0 Dot
grestore % restore old graphics state
\use at pscode % part of \end at OpenObj
\endgroup% % part of \end at OpenObj
\ignorespaces% % part of \end at OpenObj
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