[pstricks] Anomalous behavior of PSTricks fills

Dwight Aplevich aplevich at uwaterloo.ca
Sat Jan 31 18:38:10 CET 2009

 >> I've been having occasional problems with fills as illustrated by
 >> the appended file, which is intended to fill a simple area
 >> bounded by two lines and a spline. [...]
 >inside of pscustom \psbezier takes only three arguments when it
 >follows another curve. The end of the preceeding line is always
 >the starting point for the next one.

Thank you for finding the problem so quickly.  This means that the 
definition of a spline
now depends on the context; that is, when the spline is not first in 
the path that is used
as the boundary for a fill.

This context-dependency breaks legacy code dating back to the 1990s, 
although I'm
not sure how many diagrams I have that correspond to the above conditions.
An example is appended (please excuse the length).  The code is 
generated by a program
that cannot always know in advance the context of each drawing 
command, since it may
vary independently.

In looking for a work-around, I've come up with some questions:

1.  Where is this behaviour documented, and are there other basic 
drawing commands
   that no longer work as originally?  I'm most interested in \psset, \psframe,
   \psellipse, \pscircle, \psline, \psbezier, \psarc, \psarcn.

2.  When was the change made?  I may have to archive a prior version 
of PSTricks that
   works with existing source code.  Are older versions readily available?

3.  Is there a way for a user to turn this behaviour off easily?  I 
can think of
   work-arounds for the current behaviour, but none that is simple.


Dwight Aplevich 
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