[pstricks] Exiting a parametricplot

Poul Riis Poul.Riis at skolekom.dk
Sun Nov 23 08:20:02 CET 2008

Surprisingly, my simple exit command seems to work with
\parametricplotThreeD (see below)!?

Poul Riis


\def\getColor#1{\ifcase#1 Red1\or magenta\or Gold1\or Green1\or Orange\or
Red1\or magenta\or Gold1\or Green1\or Orange\or Blue1\or
Red1\or magenta\or Gold1\or Green1\or Orange\or Blue1\or
Red1\or magenta\or Gold1\or Green1\or Orange\or Blue1\fi}


\pstPlanePut[plane=xy](-3.5,0.8,0){\fbox{\Huge\color{Red2} Spinning ball}}
	/gg 9.82 def
	/v0 20 def
	/c0w 0.2 def
	/costhetac c0w v0 mul gg div 2 div neg def
	/sinthetac costhetac dup mul neg 1 add sqrt def
	/thetac sinthetac costhetac atan def
	/x2 gg c0w div def
	/pi 3.141592 def
\parametricplotThreeD[linecolor=\getColor{\nn},xPlotpoints=200,linewidth=0.5pt,plotstyle=curve](0,60){	/theta
thetac \nn\space 4 sub 5 mul sub def	/x1 theta sin v0 mul def /x2 theta
cos v0 mul def /tt t 180 div pi mul c0w div def /zz tt x1 mul tt dup mul
gg mul 2 div sub def zz 0 lt {exit} if	t sin x2 mul c0w div 10 div    t
cos neg 1 add x2 mul c0w div 10 div    zz 10 div }%

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