[pstricks] Returing arrow

Andreas Gising a.gising at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 10:13:25 CET 2008


I need to make an arrow returning to the same box it comes from. I would
also like to apply a label to that arrow.

I have a \psidiabox representing a 'wait'-function.
\ncline lookes like crap, because it makes an arrow straight across the box,
and \ncbar does not allow labeling?

        \psovalbox[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=blue]{Start} \\
        \psframebox[shadow=true]{Start reception cycle and counter} \\
        \psdiabox[fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=blue]{Counter = 70ms ?} \\

        \psframebox[shadow=true]{Collect results} \\
        \psframebox[shadow=true]{Start new reception cycle and restart
counter} \\
        \psdiabox[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=blue]{Received a pulse?} &
        \psframebox[shadow=true]{Out of sync, counter += $\delta$} \\
        \psdiabox[fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=blue]{Counter = 70ms ?} \\
        \psframebox[shadow=true]{Collect results} \\
        \psframebox[shadow=true]{Start new reception cycle and restart
counter} \\
        \psdiabox[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=blue]{Received a pulse?} &
        \psframebox[shadow=true]{Out of sync, Counter += $\delta$}\\
        \psframebox[shadow=true]{Sync is OK, tune} \\
        \psdiabox[fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=blue]{Need tuning?} \\
        \psframebox[shadow=true]{Counter $\pm=\frac{\delta}{4}$} \\
        &\psframebox[fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=green, shadow=true]{Tuning
is good}
        % Links
        \ncline{->}{3,1}{3,1}  % Not looking good..
        \ncbar[angleA=0, armB=6, nodesepB=0]{->}{6,2}{3,1}
        \ncbar[angleA=0, armB=6.5, nodesepB=0]{->}{10,2}{3,1}

        \ncbar[angleA=180, armB=2.5, nodesepB=0]{->}{13,1}{7,1}
        \ncbar[angleA=180, armB=3, nodesepB=0]{->}{14,2}{7,1}

Regards, Andreas
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