[pstricks] global PS procedure for getting the current linewidth in correct units

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Thu Apr 17 15:23:22 CEST 2008

Christoph Bersch schrieb:

> is there a way to define a global PS procedure for getting the current 
> linewidth scaled to the correct units?


> I tried to do it using the snippet
> \pst at Verb{/GetLW {CLW \pst at number\psxunit\space div} bind def}

use instead \def\GetLW

> at the beginning of the document, but this obviously fails when the unit 
> is changed within the document (shown in the example below). I could not 
> find any postscript equivalent to '\pst at number\psxunit'. Is there any, 
> or how can solve the problem?

\def\GetLW{CLW \pst at number\psxunit div }

    \psdot[dotstyle=x](! CLW \pst at number\psxunit\space div 0)
    \psdot[dotstyle=+](! \GetLW 0)



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