[pstricks] New macro addtopsstyle

Christoph Bersch christoph at bersch.net
Fri Sep 7 16:51:32 CEST 2007


for me it would be comfortable to have a macro which adds some 
additional settings to an existing psstyle. Something like


-> style Fiber contains both informations

The following code seems to work, but it uses the LaTeX macro 
\g at addto@macro. As I plan to include this into a PSTricks package, the 
question is, if I should rewrite it in plain TeX (don't know how), or if 
use of a LaTeX macro is ok.

         \expandafter\g at addto@macro\csname pscs@#1\endcsname{%
           \def\pset at tempa{#2}%
           \ifx\pst at tempa\@empty\else\psset{#2}\fi%


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