[pstricks] Strange behaviour with fillstyle and pst-func

halbard7 at aol.com halbard7 at aol.com
Thu Aug 30 18:12:59 CEST 2007

Dear Herbert,

I am hoping to implement some kind of shading for graphs, for example with \psGauss where one or both tails of the distribution are highlighted, as is common in hypothesis testing. I have an idea how to do this. However, before starting, I have noticed that if I write

?\psset{fillstyle=vlines} or \psset{fillstyle=solid}

outside a pspicture with something like
?\psGauss[mue=0,sigma=1]{-4}{4}? or even \pslot{0}{4}{x sqrt}

weird shading appears (on my system) which should not be there. The setting of fill parameters should not affect graphs directly. I suspect that this is not a feature but a bug, which interferes with my plans somewhat. Any thoughts?


Gerry Coombes

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