[pstricks] Graphe

Denis Vergès Denis.Verges at wanadoo.fr
Tue Jun 19 16:43:28 CEST 2007

With this code :

			&			&			& A&			&			& \\
			&R$_{1}$	&			&	&			&R$_{8}$	& \\
			&R$_{2}$	&			&	&R$_{9}$	&R$_{10}$	&R$_{11}$\\
R$_{3}$	&R$_{4}$	&R$_{5}$	&	&			&R$_{12}$	&R$_{13}$\\
			&R$_{6}$	&			&	&R$_{14}$	&R$_{15}$	& \\
			&R$_{7}$	&			&	&R$_{16}$	&			& \\
			&			&			&	&			&R$_{17}$	& \\
			&			&			&	&R$_{18}$	&			& \\
			&			&			&B	&			&			& \\
\ncline{8,5}{9,4}\ncline{3,6}{4,6} \ncline{4,6}{5,5}
\ncline{3,7}{4,7} \ncline{4,7}{5,6} \ncline{5,6}{7,6}
all is fine, except in the last row row of R$_{11}$) : when the case  
is empty I have in every place a small circle ?
Why ?
Thanks in advance.
Denis Vergès

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