[pstricks] Silly question abou pspicture... sorry

Herbert Voss LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed May 2 22:38:31 CEST 2007

Pedro Jorge Caridade wrote:
> Hi all
> Since I need to import some pstricks graphics into flash and keep track 
> of the initial (pstricks) coordinates, I need to create a pspicture with 
> some fixed size. This part is easy :)!!! Now comes the question: My 
> top-left corner should be (0,0) and my lower-right corner (xmax,ymax). 
> How can I do this in a pspicture environment? Everything that I tried 
> (xunit, origin, swapaxes, etc) always give lower-left corner (0,0). 
> Below is some example.

you can redefine some of the macros and changing the y-coordinate
from + to -, e.g. for your example #2:


\def\psframe at i(#1,#2){%
  \@ifnextchar({\psframe at ii(#1,-#2)}{\psframe at ii(0,0)(#1,-#2)}}
\def\rput at iv(#1,#2){\pst at killglue\pst at makebox{\rput at v{#1,-#2}}}


\begin{pspicture}(643pt,482pt)% x right y down
  \mathrm{X}_3}$ \textbf{pseudo-rotation}}}}%
  \usefont{OT1}{phv}{b}{n}\copyright\ Varandas \& Caridade (2006)}}}%



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