[pstricks] ps4pdf.bat

Iosif Pinelis ipinelis at mtu.edu
Fri Mar 16 22:34:53 CET 2007

>Herbert Voss wrote:
>  Iosif Pinelis schrieb:
>>Thank you very much Luciano. Is it possible to run pst-pdf on plain 
>>Windows (without Cygwin)? If so, what is a better way to do that? (I 
>>have only found instructions for Unix/Linux(?) online).
> take one of the scripts from
> ftp://dante.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/pst-pdf/scripts/
> Herbert

Thank you very much Herbert. I have looked at 
http://perce.de/LaTeX/pst-pdf/scripts/ps4pdf-bat.txt, which says:

>In my opinion, most convenient use of a batch file is, 
>- to place a link on the desktop one-time.
>- to drag the source file every time to the icon, if a compilation of
>  PSTricks stuff is desired.

I did so with ps4pdf.bat but got this:

> C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My 
> Documents\mtu\lhosp2more\lambert-jipam>latex
> --src -interaction=nonstopmode "submitted.tex"  1>"submitted-ps4pdf.log"
> C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\MYDOCU~1\mtu\LHOSP2~2\LAMBER~2>dvips -o 
> "submitted-pics.ps" "s
> ubmitted.dvi"  1>>"submitted-ps4pdf.log"
> This is dvips(k) 5.95a Copyright 2005 Radical Eye Software 
> (www.radicaleye.com)
> dvips: ! Couldn't find header file tex.pro
> *** An error message appeared. Abnormal termination! Look at 
> submitted-pst-pdf.l
> og ***
> Press any key to continue . . .

The file submitted-pst-pdf.log is empty. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

Also, is there a better way to use a batch file?

Iosif Pinelis


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