[pstricks] Custom tick label and tick interval

erratic erraticspastic at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 11:36:52 CET 2007

Unless you are running a customized version of pdfTeX
> which supports PSTricks, you cannot use PSTricks macros
> with pdfTeX.
> Guaranteed way to generate a PDF is either
>   vlatex yourfile.tex
> or
>   latex yourfile.tex && dvips yourfile.dvi && ps2pdf14
> yourfile.ps
> If you do insist, there is a much more complicated path
> using pst-pdf, which involves pdflatex in the way.
> Alternatively, if you are willing to beta test the
> new xdvipdfmx announced in a separate thread, either
>   xelatex yourfile.tex
> or
>   xelatex -no-pdf yourfile.tex && xdvipdfmx yourfile.xdv
> may work.

Aha, great stuff.  I had no idea pdfTeX was so grumpy with PSTricks.
Since I'm a Windows user I'm guessing VTeX is out of the question.
I did try the second alternative you gave me - TEX -> DVI -> PS -> PDF. It
works great - and it (including the rotated labels) looks awesome!
But - when using the select tool in the PDF reader, the selection isn't the
way it should be.

See the screenshot below
----- http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2371/latexgz1.jpg ----

I did some troubleshooting and found out that it occurs when I use

I did some "research" and found out that I can replace the above with

What do they even do, and why should I replace it? I also noticed that the
PDF size changed drastically when I DIDNT use fontenc.

Thank you, SMiyata, for pointing me in the right direction regarding the
creation of the PDF and translating the log.
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