[pstricks] Apparent keyval error upon updating pstricks

Herbert Voss LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Jan 3 22:01:16 CET 2007

rossi at york.cuny.edu schrieb:
> Dear Herbert:
> I apologize for taking so long to respond.  Thank you for your helo
>> I get it run with the latest pstricks packages and the following changes:
> When you said this, I took a closer look at the updated pstricks macros. In
> seminar.con, there is \usepackage{pst-fr3d}, and I had not updated it. 
> After that was done, everything worked fine.
> But for your comment below
>>> \textbf{$\text{H^+}$ ions} when dissolved in water.
>> this causes an error, must be \textbf{H\textsuperscript{+}}
> I copied the following code from Mats Dahlgren chemsym.sty
> \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1996/12/01]
> \newif  \ifc at llsn  \c at llsnfalse
> \DeclareOption{collision}{\global\c at llsntrue}
> \DeclareOption*{\OptionNotUsed}
> \ProcessOptions*
> \ifc at llsn\AtEndDocument{%
>   \PackageWarningNoLine{chemsym}{Due to possible collisions with other
>   \MessageBreak packages, super- and subscrips are not avaliable
>   \MessageBreak outside math mode despite your loading of `chemsym'}}
> \else
>   \def\sprscrpt#1{\ensuremath{^{#1}}}
>   \def\sbscrpt#1{\ensuremath{_{#1}}}
>   \catcode`\^ \active
>   \catcode`\_ \active
>   \let^=\sprscrpt
>   \let_=\sbscrpt
> \fi
> \@ifundefined{cd at t}{%
> \let\cd at t=\cdot
> \def\cdot{\ensuremath{\cd at t}}}{}
> into my own .sty file and insert it after pastricks.sty.
> It works on very complicated math statements such as
> \begin{equation}
> \pmb{k \: = \: \frac{\omega_A \: \omega_B}{2 \pi \textcolor{red}{\gamma}} \:
> e^{-\frac{E_0}{k_B \: T}}, \gamma = \frac{\zeta}{\mu} \gg \omega_B,\zeta = 6
> \pi r \eta}
> \end{equation}
> using either powerdot or seminar.
> The coding \textbf{H\textsuperscript{+}}, etc., etc. is much too cumbersum.
> Why can't the above  code be include with pstricks to make using the
> mathematical formatter more normal?
With the above this should work


 but it is not in bold, because + is written in mathmode where \mathbf must
be used.


> Regards,
> Angelo
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