[pstricks] pst-circ2 Was re: Adder for pst-circ

Christophe Jorssen christophe.jorssen at free.fr
Tue Dec 5 22:32:01 CET 2006

pstricks-bounces at tug.org wrote:
> On 12/4/06, Christophe Jorssen <christophe.jorssen at free.fr> wrote:
>> Try pst-circ2 and its (very beta) \DeclareNewMultipole macro
>> (undocumented) 
>> http://christophe.jorssen.free.fr/pst-circ2/
> Based on the example of the transistor, it seems that it's not easy to
> share code between variants of a component.  

Yes: you don't share drawing code between variants, you only share
parameters. But if you have any suggestions on how to do it, I'll think
about them.

> The adder I'd like to
> implement has either 3 input nodes (top, left, and bottom) and one
> output node (on the right), or two input nodes (t-l, t-b, or l-b) and
> an output, each input able to have a label of $+$, $-$, or blank
> (default).  The syntax I was thinking of is
> 	\Adder[NumOfInputs=2, Inputs=tb, Labels=b-](In1)(In2)(Out)

Good idea, this syntax is quick and light. But I made the choice of very
explicit (and rather long...) parameter names and I'd like to stick to that

> for a two-adder with inputs at top and bottom, the bottom quadrant
> labeled with a minus, and the top quadrant unlabeled.
> Can this be easily done?  What would be the basic structure of this
> in pst-circ2? 

The real point is that I don't know... Since the begining of the rewriting
of pst-circ2, I don't know what to do with multipoles. So, if you have
suggestions on how to implement it (no too far from the \DeclareNewDipole
structure, for consistency), don't hesitate.

I'll have a look at your problem as soon as I get some time!

Thanks for you interest.


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