[pstricks] Strange interaction between pst-lens and pst-fill

Herbert Voss LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mon Aug 21 16:06:45 CEST 2006

halbard7 at aol.com wrote:
> Please take a look at the following code: evidence of bugs or brain 
> damage? Troubled lines
> prefixed with %-> below. Using MikTeX 2.4 and dvips.

yes, that is a bit tricky here. However, I would use
a filling with lines, e.g. fillstyle=vlines; or a color.
And by the way: you shouldn't use macronames with one
letter; LaTeX uses this often for its own.




%  \rule{0pt}{5.25cm}%
     \uput[d](2,0){$\d x$}\psdots(2,2.7)%
%    \psboxfill{\incircle}\psframe[fillstyle=boxfill](1.6,0)(2.3,1)%
     \psframe[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=blue](1.65,0)(2.35,1)% alternative
     \uput[d](1.65,0){$\mathstrut x$}\uput[d](2.35,0){$\mathstrut x+\d x$}%



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