[pstricks] Centering psPrintValues
Poul Riis
Poul.Riis at skolekom.dk
Wed Jun 14 21:26:57 CEST 2006
How can I make the numbers accurately centered in the circles in the
example below?
Poul Riis
\pagestyle{plain} \topmargin=-2cm \textwidth=17.5cm
\textheight=27cm \hoffset=-2.5cm \tolerance=5000 \hbadness=5000
\parindent = 0em
/phigylden 137.5078 def%
/storephi 5 sqrt 1 add 2 div def%
/antalfroe 25 def%
/radius 8 def%
/kk antalfroe radius div radius div def%
/xfroe {kk div dup kk mul phigylden mul cos exch sqrt mul} def%
/yfroe {kk div dup kk mul phigylden mul sin exch sqrt mul neg} def%
/fib {dup dup 1 eq exch 0 eq or not {dup 1 sub fib exch 2 sub fib add} if}
/b 12 def}%
\definecolor[ps]{bl}{rgb}{tx at addDict begin Red Green Blue end}
\newcommand{\rainbowcolor}[1]{\pstVerb{/lambda #1 def lambda tx at addDict
begin wavelengthToRGB end}\psset{linecolor=bl}}%
xfroe t yfroe}
\multido{\n=1+1}{11}{\rainbowcolor{\n\space 10 mul 590
add}\psdot*[dotsize=1.2,dotstyle=*,plotstyle=curve](!\n\space xfroe
\n\space yfroe)\uput{0mm}[90](!\n\space xfroe 0.2 sub \n\space yfroe 0.2
sub){\rainbowcolor{\n\space 10 mul 390
add}\psPrintValue[valuewidth=2,fontscale=30]{\n\space fib}}}%
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